To Foster, Develop and Promote Netball by providing Enjoyment and Recreation for all Participants

​​​​​​​NEW IN 2025

​​​​​​​All sessions will be run outdoors at North Canterbury Netball Centre, Dudley Park, Church St, Rangiora on Saturday mornings from 9.15am till 10.00am.

​​​​​​​ALL players must register with a club. 

The clubs collect the registration fee for all players. NCNC will charge the clubs per player.

The clubs send names through to NCNC.

CLICK HERE to see a list of clubs and contact details.

Woolworths futureFERNS Year 1 & 2 

This programme introduces netball to 5 and 6 year olds.  The aim is to develop fundamental movement and ball skills.  The game that follows the preceding skill session is played on one third of a full sized court by teams of four, with the emphasis on equal participation.

It is open to boys & girls and runs for 7 weeks in Term 2.

The focus is to learn basic netball skills in a fun environment via:

  • positive exposure to the netball environment
  • exploring netball through basic movement skills
  • learning netball skills through fun games
  • participation and having a go.​​​​​​​

VENUE: NC NETBALL Courts, Dudley Park, Church St, Rangiora

TIMES: Players - 9.15am till 10.00am

              All Star Helpers and Star Assistants - 8.45am

OPENING DAY: Saturday 3rd May 2025

FINAL DAY: Saturday 28th June 2025

Postponement dates (e.g. due to rain) - Saturday 12th and Saturday 19th July 2025

Please note there WILL BE NO netball on Saturday 31 May (Kings Bday) or Saturday 21 June (Matariki).

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Each Parent/Caregiver must stay with their child at Dudley Park or arrange a responsible caregiver to oversee the child in case or injury, illness or needing the bathroom. (Star Helpers and Star Assistants are not available for personal care during coaching).

Year 1 & 2 Club and School Information

  • Players will register directly with your Club or School.

  • Club/School collect the registration fee from all players.  NCNC will charge the club/school per player.

  • Players do NOT require a uniform. NCNC recommend that players dress warmly & are comfortable.
  • NCNC will provide all planning, resources, equipment (bibs, balls, etc).

  • There is no limit as to how many players a club or school can register e.g. can be 1 or 15+.

  • Enter all players into one team in team builder. Only one team is required.

  • NCNC will split players into groups.  We can put players in certain groups e.g. attend same school, sibilings, friends, carpooling, club, etc (Just make sure to ask if a particular group is required on your registration form).

  • Netball NZ call coaches "Star Helpers" in their programme. Where the word Helper is used, they are the coach and do run the session.

  • Clubs and Schools must provide a minimum of 1 Star Helper per 6 registered players (e.g. 1-6 players = 1 Star Helper, 7-12 players = 2 Star Helpers, etc).

  • Star Helpers must be a minimum of 14 years or older. 

  • Star Assistants will provide support to the Star Helpers. Students aged between 12-13 can be involved and will be Star Assistants.

  • Please enter your Star Helpers and Star Assistants with the role as coach.  This will enable is to separate out the player registrations.

  • NCNC will provide free Star Helpers and Star Assistant Workshops.
  • Club/School collect the registration fee from all players.  NCNC will charge the club/school per player.

Woolworths futureFERNS Year 1 & 2 Star Helpers

Be A Star Helper!

Star Helpers are required for the Year 1 & 2 futureFERNS programme.

Being a Star Helper would be a great opportunity for anyone aged 14 years and older who have an interest in helping to encourage young players into netball.  They could also be parents, grandparents, older sibilings or anyone interested in starting out in coaching.

Star Assistants will provide support to the Star Helpers. Anyone 12 years and older can be a Star Assistant.

Star Helpers and Star Assistants meet with the Junior Co-ordinator at NCNC on Saturday morning at 8.45am for a briefing of what will be covered that morning, then  collect and set up equipment for the session. 

There will be two workshops run for Star Helpers and Star Assistants.  These workshops are free of charge.