U13 Junior Softball Rules
- Each game will play for 1 hour 15 minutes, if at 1 hour 15 minutes you are in the bottom of the inning and the team batting is winning then its game over. If you are in the bottom of the inning and the team batting is losing then the inning is completed. If you are in the top of the inning then complete the inning.
- Only 9 players are to field per inning, unlimited substitutions for all players on the bench.
- All players in the line-up hit, the batting order is to remain the same for the entire game
- Side away after 3 outs, encouraging the kids to play the out.
- You can get a player out by: Run out (a fielded batted ball reaches the base before the runner does on a force play), Caught out (batted ball caught before it hits the ground), Tag out (runner is tagged by the ball when not on a base), Strike out.
- A team can only score a maximum of 5 runs per inning, once 5 runs are scored it is side away.
- 3 Strikes and the Batter is out, 4 Balls and the batter advances to 1st Base
- Stealing bases is allowed after the ball has been released by the PItcher
- The Pitching distance for boys and girls is 12 meters from home plate
We strongly encourage where possible that you bat in order of M/F/M/F/M/F
These are the very basic rules of U13 Softball, there are more technical rules and it is expected that Coaches & Managers have attended an Orange Shirt Clinic in order to understand the finer details of the game.
Where anyone is unsure of the play, the Coach can call “TIME” and request a discussion with the Umpire to further understand the play and decisions called on that play.