River City Walking Group -

The River City Walking Group is a community group based in Whanganui New Zealand. We run a range of walks & tramping trips around Whanganui and further afield 

From short walks around Whanganui to a full day's strenuous tramp out in the wilderness, we will have something to cater to most people's walking abilities

Our Walks and tramping trips are open to everyone


To go on the email list rivercity.walking@gmail.com

The photo gallery is on our Facebook page.https://www.facebook.com/RiverCityWalking/photos​​​

Walking Group online signup Form   form: https://submit.jotform.com/233232459607861

News & Notices: 

  • We have switched days for our local walks, our twilight/evening walks will now take place on Saturday Evenings twice a month on the weeks we are not headed out of town. While the longer afternoon walks will now take place on Sunday afternoon, as usual if possible these will have a shorter or easier option to start off with.

  • We have a couple of big week-long events filled with walks coming up. First up is the second time we run our New Year's walk program, which runs from the end of December to the 4th of January, we have 4 walks during that week. The second event is our 5th Anniversary, which runs from the 1st of February until Saturday the 8th, we once again have 4 walks plus a shared dinner at Bason Reserve.

  • As we only have a small team of leaders, there is a small chance some events may be postponed should there be no leaders available to lead. This is more likely on our bigger full-day trips as they require more leaders to run

  • Are you interested in helping or leading tramps & walks, email rivercity.walking@gamil.com
     or talk to a leader at one of our events. 
    More leaders = less chance of cancellations

  • Our Member RJ has a spare serviced DOC hut ticket for $15. Contact him if you're after one at rodh11@hotmail.com

Walk/ Tramp Difficulty Grading

Easy: Under 2hrs and are not very strenuous, Mostly flat, but there may be a short climb up or descent, but nothing too sustained and few steep sections. Easy walking surfaces with streams & rivers are bridged

Easy/Mod: Up to 4hrs, there may be more of a sustained up or down, the surface may be rooty, rocky, or slippy, with steep sections but still easy to follow. There may be easy stream crossings, but major streams & rivers are bridged

Moderate: Tramps up to 6hrs long, with moderate climbs & descents, the track can be rough and hard to follow, and maybe steep in sections. Stream & River crossings may be present

Hard: Full days tramp over 6hrs, Steep strenuous climbs & descents, rough track that may be hard to follow. Stream & River crossings may be present