Dinghy sailing from Petone Beach. 

Sailing instruction for adults and children. 

Key Dates for this season

Working Bee 14 September 2024, from 9am.
Opening Day 21 September 2024
Heretaunga Regatta 1 February 2025

Junior Learn to Sail
Enrolment for this season's course is open. Click here for more information.

​​Registrations are now open​​​​​

Click here to register for Junior Sailing for the coming season​​​​

​​Whats been happening​​​​​

With a well supported AGM we now have a full Committee with changes to three of the leads, three new faces, and a new Constitution. We also agreed the subs for the season and had a valuable discussion on how we can better support our junior sailing with our limited resources. Particularly pleasing was the turn out from our Starling juniors, and their interest - beyond just sailing - in how the club is run, and in qualifying as club coaches. It's a sign that the club is in good health. Those there will have also seen our brilliant newly acquired and easy to move tables, and sat in our recently new and very modern chairs.

A big thanks to those who stepped down from the committee: Shane Rempala, Jenny Mason and Becky White. We hope to see Shane back on the water, Jenny making it tough for the younger Starling sailors, and Becky finally getting to her lessons with Dave. Thanks also to Ruth and John for stepping back and staying on to provide for continuity and support Simon and Matt in their new roles.

The club has also now been re-registered as an incorporated society - in compliance with changes to the legislation and well ahead of the 2026 deadline.


​​​​Your 2024-25 Committee

Patron: Ron Bailey
President: Grahame Eathorne

Note the above positions are honorary. For the management of the club your contacts are:

​​​​​​Commodore: Simon Coubrough
Vice Commodore: Matt Poland (Sailing)
Rear Commodore: Peter Affleck (House)
Secretary: Ruth Fletcher
Treasurer: Malina Stuart

Committee: John Dement, Dave Tattersfield, Kat Monien, Alex Smith, Xavier Blythen.

​​Looking to improve your skills? Its time to start thinking about how you can grow your sailing knowledge - whether you are a junior parent new to sailing, or if you have been around for some time. Coastguard have a range of online courses from Beginning Boating through to Boatmaster, as well as the Maritime VHF Operator Certificate.  For those with more experience YNZ run an online race officer course – even if you are not ready to take on a race officer role you’ll learn a great deal about racing.