This page is to highlight the history of Southland Softball Umpires. The people listed below have all umpired for the Southland Softball Association over the years, and all have gained their New Zealand badges.
I am trying to gather information about these people such as the years they were umpiring, what level they got to, career highlights and photos if possible. If you can provide any of this information please email it to Leon Hopa
- Stan Smith
- Walter Smith
- Peter Smith
- Russell McLeod
- Murray Jarvis
- Edwin Eggers
- Bill Beadle
- Bill Dickinson
- Brian (Curly) O’Byrne
- Frank Cammock
- Alan Craig
- Lavina Rewi
- Bill Somerville
- Barrie Sheehy
- Peter Hair
- Roger Hyde
- Allan Cross
- Lynda Edwards
- Elaine Karsten Team photos Click here
- Lindsay Dow
- Fran Keane
- Don Poy 1988 - Current Click here
- Rikki Thompson
- Peter Dawson 1998 - 2018
- Jill Farquhar 2012 - Current
- Leon Hopa 2012 - Current
- Dennis Ormsby* 2013 - 2019 Click Here
- Joshua Rodgers 2013 - 2015
- Cameron Wallace 2013 - Current
- Rochelle Watson 2014 - Current
- Grant Smith 2014 - Current
- Russell Harvey 2019 - Current
- Faith Harvey 2019 - Current