Coaching night at Springston Tennis is on Monday night. 

We welcome Will and Alex McCorkindale to be our coaches with the support of Izzy van Dooren and Ben Hauschild

Coaching is available for all Springston club members from competition players and those wanting coaching only. 

Junior players (primary and high school players) 

Choose from the following coaching times:

3:20pm - 3:55pm (years 1 to 4)

4:00pm - 4:45pm

4:50pm - 5:35pm

5:40pm - 6:40pm (High School) 

Senior players (adult players)

Choose from the following coaching times:

5:40pm - 6:40pm

6:40pm - 7:40pm

1 to 1 coaching sessions are available for individuals and teams. Email: [email protected]

To sign up:

Senior registration form: (Adults)

Junior registration form: (Primary and High School)