Online registrations for Year 1 - 6 sport are now open*

Welcome to the online sports registration site for St Mary's School. This is your first port of call for sports information and registrations.

This arena will streamline the sports registration process and enable better communication 

Click on the Sports Offered at St Mary's Tab to see when particular sports are played throughout the year, and register your child to play.

Click on a sport name to see the details of the competitions available for your child/ren, and to register them online.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the school activities coordinator,

Top 5 Reasons kids play sport

You want your child to be active and to have fun.  Research shows that's exactly what they want, too.

A Michigan State University study asked boys and girls aged 10 to 12 why they played sports.  Here are the top five reasons they gave:

1.  To have fun

2.  To do something I'm good at

3.  To improve my skills

4.  To stay in shape

5.  To get exercise

Surprise, "winning" didn't even make the top ten reasons.

Study after study comes up with the same #1 result.

Kids play sports for the fun of it!​​​​​​​