Daily Notices


Thanks to everyone who has registered to play cricket in term 1. The team list will be put up on the hall foyer window on Tuesday at the beginning of morning tea.
Can the 1st XI meet with Mr Hantz in the hall at the start of morning tea?

Cricket Term 1- Coaching Sessions with TCC

The Taradale Cricket Club will be holding coaching sessions every Tuesday lunchtime for those students playing cricket this term. Please bring your gear bag (if you have one) and change into your PE gear to meet Sachin at the cricket nets at 12:30pm (after sitdown lunch eating).

If you have any questions, come see me in room 7. 

Mrs Lack


Taradale Intermediate and Falcons Basketball Club have partnered up to offer some coaching in term 1 to prepare our players for the Winter 5 v 5 competition.  If you are interested check out the link below. 


Sessions will be after school on Wednesdays on the turf. Registrations close next Friday.

Any questions, come and see me in Room 11.

Mrs D.W

Friday, 14 February. Monday 17th February and Tuesday 18th February.

Art Competition for Paris Art Deco.


Alors, allons enfants! So come on kids!

There is an art competition being run by “Creative Arts Napier’ to celebrate the centenary of the April 1925 opening in Paris of The International Exhibition of modern Decorative and Industrial Arts that introduced the “ART DECO” style.

If you think that this could be you and you want to create a painting, mixed media or photography on a square canvas, around this theme, come and see Mrs Brinsley next Tuesday at interval, in the Arts Room, to get more information.

Volleyball Teams

We have 8 teams playing in term 1!  Team lists are up in the hall foyer - games start next Tuesday.  To find the draw check out the Volleyball HB website:


Week 3: 17th February to Friday 21st February

Volleyball Practices

Taradale Volley's - you have your first practice on Monday 17th February at 3.00pm.  Please meet your coach on the blue turf by the volleyball net.

Taradale Hitters - you have your first practice on Friday 21st February at 3.00pm.  Please meet your coach on the blue turf by the volleyball net.

Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February

AIMS Boy's Futsal Team - Expression of Interest to Trial.

Please add all of your details to this doc by Friday 21st February. 

Google Doc This needs to be done from your school account. Parents CANNOT do this for you as they don't have the right email address.

Trials will occur at school within the next 2 weeks - date/time TBC.

Please remember to add your birth date.

Any questions, please come and see me in Room 13.

Mrs Gray.

Weekly Notices

Longer term, weekly notices will be here. Don't forget to check the notices daily so you don't miss out!


Due to Bledisloe and TIS leaving school at the same time at the end of the day - and the problems that this is causing - the following applies at the end of the day from now on.

If you are going towards Taradale you must use the crossing out the front of the school to cross.  No-one is to walk across the front of Bledisloe school unless you are going to pick up a brother or sister from Bledisloe.  Mrs Logan will be monitoring this and will send you back across the road.

No one is to cross across the top of Murphy Road at the lights.

The only people to use the crossing at the lights at the intersection on Murphy and Meeanee Road are people turning right to head in the direction of Guppy Road.

Thanks for your help in keeping everyone safe.

Mrs Woolley and Pastoral Care

Did you know Mrs Woolley has an email address?

It is ineedhelp@taradaleint.school.nz

This the best way to let Mrs Woolley know you need to have a chat!

Term 1 Sports

If you are interested in participating in extra-curricular sports this year - keep a look out on our daily notices for registration details from the Teachers in Charge of each sport.  Term 1 sports are: 

Volleyball - Kirsten DW 

Cricket - Jaimee Lack

Canoe Polo - Kirsten DW

Orienteering - Karen Hogg


Keen to play Canoe Polo for TIS  this year?  Trainings start at the end of February at the HB Sports Park.  The competition starts in March and finishes in June.

Check out our school website to find out more: https://www.taradaleint.school.nz/learner-opportunities-akonga-kowhiringa/sports-tis-hakinakina/Canoe-Polo

To sign up, click on the registration box on the left, registrations go live on Monday 3rd February.

If you have any questions - come over to Room 11 for a chat.

Mrs D.W


Trials for girls' football are as follows:

First trial:   Tuesday 18 February - during lunch break

Second trial:  Tuesday 25 February - during lunch break

Friday 28 February - team will be announced.