
There are a limited number of billets available at $50 per night.  Please contact: Sue Roberts -  [email protected]


Listed are a few of the places available:

Available:   Blue Haven Motel,  Seagulls Guesthouse,  Mauao Studio, Baywatch Motor Inn, Paramount Apartments, Anchorage Apartments,  The Mission Belle Motel, Pacific Coast Lodge and Backpackers, Oceanside resort and twin towers.

There are a number of other places available if you google accommodation Mount Maunganui.

Any accommodation within the map area shown from Tweed Street to Mount Mauao Reserve will have free van pickup and drop off to the lawns daily.  Pickup will need to be organised at the lawns the day before.

A large supermarket New World is located on Tweed Street, but there are a number of smaller corner dairies/grocery places with in this area as well.  The main shopping centre is from Banks Ave to Pacific Avenue, with a large number eateries.  From there is it about a 20 minute walk to the croquet lawns at Mount Maunganui.