Balance is Better

Sport NZ has developed the Balance is Better philosophy to inform and provide a framework that puts the needs of the participant first. It originated from the Sport NZ Talent Plan 2016-2020 that focused on growing the capability of the sporting system to better prepare athletes in their development phase to help them realise their potential. Balance is Better has now become a broader conversation underpinning Sport NZ’s overall approach to youth sport that focusses on maximising participation and skill development.

Click here to access their website.

Hockey NZ Response to Balance is Better

Hockey NZ is responding to the Balance is Better philosphy by ensuring that its traditional focus on teams is balanced with quality opportunities for holistic individual development. This means more attention on club and school participants, who are the backbone of the sport, providing programmes and support to meet needs aligned with appropriate local and national competitions. Hockey NZ will lead these changes and partner with Associations driving local delivery.

Click here to read all about how hockey is changing.