Bishop Viard College has a proud history of involvement in sport but all students should remember that the reason for attending college is education.
In the past students have committed themselves to a wide range of activities without the necessary planning and preparation required to fit everything in. Selection or involvement in extra-curricular activities at any level requires all students to maintain a high work ethic and standard of behavior in the classroom. Failure to do so could result in extracurricular opportunities being restricted and we would like to see this avoided at all costs.
On this website, we provide information for students and parents to know what is involved with each activity, what costs will be incurred and what time commitment is required.
Students in consultation with their parents/guardians can make an informed choice about what they will do. Students may be involved in up to TWO extracurricular activities. This is a combination of one sport and one cultural activity ie: choir or poly club. It is recommended students chose carefully so that their priority remains their learning in the classroom. A provision is placed on student participation in any game/tournament/event, that any incomplete assessments have been completed or discussed with their teacher and that attendance is above the required percentage of 80% for Bishop Viard College Student Athletes.
Bishop Viard College students have available a wide range of sporting activities. A registration fee is charged for all of the major codes and in some codes, there may be additional costs for affiliation and tournament fees. The Sports Registration forms are to be completed and returned to the school main office by the set date on the form. We ask that careful consideration be given when choosing the sports you would like to participate in, as we will arrange sporting trials or training around these forms. Any student who wishes to trial and plays sports at Bishop Viard MUST complete the online registration and be fully financial (payment arrangements are accepted by contacting the main office) – Failure to do so may jeopardize your chances of trialing. PLEASE ENSURE THE REGISTRATION ARE COMPLETED CORRECTLY AS THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED INCOMPLETE.
We will obviously do our best to accommodate everyone in their chosen sporting activity; however, the sports teams are dependent upon sufficient interest and registrations in any given year. Students are encouraged to play for College teams. Playing for outside clubs requires written permission from the Principal. Approval is usually given if numbers are not sufficient to offer a College team at the appropriate level.
We look forward to your involvement in a full and exciting extra-curricular sports’ program in