A successful team and club culture doesn’t just happen. It relies on coaches, parents, managers and players all agreeing on the principles of how their team and club should work.

We prioritise safety, inclusion, fun and sportsmanship over winning. Junior rugby is about participation and enjoyment in a safe and inclusive environment. Our aim is for players to learn how to play great rugby and have fun along the way. 

This means in particular:

  1. We keep our players safe. Coaches must complete the Small Blacks coaching course before the season starts. We follow the latest concussion policy in the case of a concussion or suspected concussion. We support players through minor injuries and we rest players when they need a break. We warm up players. We put player safety at the centre of what we do.
  2. We welcome all players. One of rugby’s great strengths is that every size, shape, speed and skill level can play and enjoy the game. At the junior level, we try out all players at all positions and give them each a fair play. As they grow older, we try to match player sizes to the positions that suit them best.
  3. Assuming equal effort at training, all players get equal game time. Coaches manage their squads through the season to make sure this happens. The only exception to this is during rep games and tournaments, when coaches may choose to put stronger players forward and give them extra play time.
  4. To play rugby is to build character as well as skills. We do not argue with or shout advice or abuse to the referee or linesmen. We do not argue with the other team. We do not argue among ourselves. Adults do not shout or use inappropriate language or aggressive behaviour with children. There is a culture of respect towards our players. At the same time, players respect their coaches and managers, and display good behaviour both on and off the pitch.


There are many benefits to playing rugby for our young players. Aside from promoting fitness and the benefits of participating in a team sport, players will learn to respect their coaches, learn good sportsmanship, and enjoy the pleasure of demonstrating their skills and improving at the game.

When playing for the Waikanae Rugby Football Club (WRFC) in 2020, I will:

  • Play to the best of my ability
  • Play fairly
  • Treat all players as I like to be treated. I will not bully or be abusive to other players
  • Respect and co-operate with my coach, team mates and opponents
  • Respect the referees and not argue with them.  I will talk to my coach if you don’t understand a referees decision
  • Shake hands with the opposition and referee at the end of the game.

I understand that if I do not follow this code during the season, any or all of the following actions may be taken by the WRFC:

  • Be asked to apologise to my team mates, my coach/manager, referee or opposition
  • Be substituted or removed from the field of play
  • Be suspended from team training/s or game/s
  • Receive a formal warning from my coach or the WRFC Committee
  • Be asked to leave and/or be banned from the WRFC.

Parents/Caregivers and Spectators

Parents/caregivers and spectators support the team players, coaches and managers.  This group have an important role to play in the players attitudes towards good rugby and behaviour during and after the games.

When supporting junior rugby players who are playing for and against WRFC teams, I will:

  • Remember that junior rugby is played for FUN
  • Applaud good plays and performances by both teams
  • Give positive comments that motivate and encourage players
  • Always respect the referees and coaches decisions
  • Don’t go on the field during play, unless your child is injured
  • Use appropriate language with players, coaches, referees and other spectators
  • Allow the coaches/managers to do their job – don’t yell instructions from the sideline
  • If I have any concerns I will talk to the team manager/coach first, then to the Junior Convenor if my concern is not resolved.  I will NOT post negative comments on facebook or other social media.

I understand that if I do not follow this code, any or all of the following actions may be taken by the WRFC:

  • Be asked to apologise to player/s, coach/manager, referee or opposition
  • Issued with a verbal and or written warning from the WRFC
  • Required to meet with the WRFC Committee
  • Requested not to attend future games by the WRFC
  • May be trespassed from grounds involving WRFC teams
  • Be asked to leave and/or be banned from the WRFC, along with any dependants.