Minutes meeting 14/03/2023
Present Wendy Fryer, Murray Gosling, Peter Moore, Marilyn Hunter, Nick
Grant, Justin Hinchco
Apologies Simon Whelpton, Paul Carter. Marilyn/Peter
Previous meeting read and confirmed. Justin/Peter
Matters arising Two quotes for fireplaces, Stephensons $ 4946, Carters $4772
Decided to go with the Carters quote,
Moved by Nick Grant Seconded Peter Moore that we apply to Grassroots Trust
Central for a donation of $4772.50 inclusive Gst for a Metro wood Burner
Fireplace and a donation of $2000.00 incl towards cost of installation. Carried
Greenkeepers appointment endorsed. Murray/ Marilyn
Moved Justin Hinchco/Peter Moore that we apply to Grassroots Central for
Greenkeepers wages of $1839.02 for 72 hours per month. Carried
Membership Abby Thorburn, Abe Hanley Restricted Carried
Correspondence Annie King, Dougal MacDonald, Tim Waite Resignations
Financial as tabled Peter/Wendy
Norwood Account has been wiped band credited. Nick questioned the amount we
are paying in insurance as we could be over insured and will look into this.
Grounds As tabled. John/ Murray
Greens mower hydraulic pump not putting out effective flow. All greens are to
be spiked. Coring machine back at club.
We need to look into the work load on greens staff.
Reports from Turf experts as to how we can improve greens. Some trees need
to be removed as they are shading greens or the tree roots are impeded the
growth on greens. John has someone coming to look at trees. Marilyn to get in
contact with Brian Foggerty re trees.
Max Buckeridge to get back to Ross Withers re contact for Regional Council and
their role in removal of Shingle on course and re fencing boundary fence.
Chris Fletcher coming next week to remove stones from center of Bobs Bogey
Fairway. Suggested we send the account to regional council.

Agronomy plan leave until next meeting.
Good idea to spray broadleaf weeds We need to pick a fairway that needs
fertilizing and spraying to see how it stacks up.
Captains All men and women pennants cancelled for 2023
General Business,
HB golf levies need to be paid this year.
New courses due to flooding have been rated and put into the NZ handicap
system and cards printed
April or May have an afternoon social time for the volunteers on the course.
The constitution needs to bee reviewed and updated.
Meeting Closed 8.35pm