Fees: Family: $60.00 Adult: $35.00 Students: $25.00 Associate: $15.00 This is mainly for schools and entitles you to e mail updates and newsletters
Please Note:
If you are paying your annual Fees could you also send us your details so that we can update our records
In the email please include:
1) Your name
2) Contact details - email, mob, home phone
3) Guardian or Next of kin in case of emergancy
For Internet Banking the account number is:
020688-0054989-00 Please make sure you put your name as the reference
Please make cheques out to: Wairarapa Paddlers Inc.
post to:
PO Box 630
If you are a river paddler your membership will mean you are included in river trips and are able to borrow gear ( small donation appreciated) It also makes you a member of Whitewater NZ and access to their subsidies for approved River safety or rescue courses, when available.
While all due care is taken by the club, the Wairarapa Paddlers Inc takes no responsibilities for any loss or damage to equipment or personal injury.
Disclaimer: By signing this registration form you are taking responsibility for you own actions and you understand the dangers involved with kayaking.
Wairarapa Paddlers Incorporated accepts no liability whatsoever for any injuries or incidents that may occur as a result of this activity