The following forms are required to be completed for both Day Trips and Overnight events.

1  Event Proposal, Approval and Intentions

2. Risk Assessment and Supervision form (RAMS) 

8. Parental information letter - personalised for each trip

9. Parental Consent . If you wish to  use as an online form (preferred medium) please contact the Sports Dept. to get access.

10. Event Plan, Prepare and Implement checklist (useful checklist for all trips. Does not need  submitting but is an aid for organisational purposes)

Use of the other Forms will depend on how applicable they are to the  event and  the risk level  involved in the activities.

Curricular Day Trips

The permission slip may be the simplest form to use if staff are taking a class  to a local venue. For example class trip  during a period to the Museum or local business.  The convention is the simpler and low risk trips require less forms to be completed. See DA to check what forms are appropriate to be used.

Any trips involving Higher Risk elements are to be discussed with DA prior to Planning and Approval.

Overseas trips are to be discussed with DA,  then approved by SMT and the Board of Trustees. Intention to travel overseas should be signalled in the year prior to intended travel.

How to convert a PDF file to a word document

Click on the Form you want

Download and save on your desktop.

Go to your desktop and right click on the pdf then click on edit with Adobe Acrobat

On the tool bar, see Edit PDF with a triangle.  Click on the triangle and select Back to Document

Right hand side column, select Export PDF

Select Microsoft Word and Export

Select folder where you want your word document and save