2022 WC Sports Stars 

2022 WC Sports Stars who excelled in their sport at a National level

Aston Ash               

NZ U19 Floorball Team 

Joel Ball Lahood     

NZ Junior Fencing Team   

Sam Elkin               

NZ  Mens Floorball Team & Captain New Zealand  U19 Team                                

Alex Galt               

NZ U17 Badminton Squad  

Corran Hanning       

NZ  Open Mens Para Champion and New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletics Team 


Finn Harland           

NZ  Age Group Champion and New Zealand  U19 Swim team


Sebastian Hopkins 


NZ  Junior Wrestling Champion  

Kester Law             

NZ  U19 Floorball Team  

Marco Muollo           

NZ Secondary Schools Maori U 19 Cricket Team  

Troy Plumtree         

NZ  U15 Basketball Team   

Harry Sheng

NZ   Junior Powerlifting  Team

Dov Silberstein

NZ   U15 Basketball Team

Stanley Solomon

NZ Secondary Schools Rugby Team

Tobey Ulrich

NZ  U19 Floorball Team

David Zhu

NZ  Age Group Swimming Champion 


NZ Championships Winning Teams and Groups  

Senior Floorball  

Yr 9 Cross Country 3 to Count Team