Senior and Junior Social Basketball
One of the most popular sports at Wellington College. Wellington College runs a very successful intramural league with the junior teams. The Junior competition plays on Tuesday lunch and after school, and on Wednesday lunchtime during term 2.
The senior social competition will be at Wellington College this year during term 3. There will be a maximum of 8 teams, of up to 8 players per team. You need to register online through the normal channels, on the Social Basketball page. List other players in your team so we can keep you together. The games will be played at school during Tuesday lunchtime and after school.
Note that registrations must accompany payment for the registration to process. If you cannot pay online then you can pay by cash or cheque at the finance office. Then contact the sports office for further registration details.
All new players to WC Basketball will receive a WC basketball warm-up top as part of their registration.
Basketball - Senior: Senior Social League
CONVENER: Mr Brad Moon
UNIFORM: Black Shorts & Singlet (you can have your own team colour tops)
VENUE: Wellington College SC or OBG
COMPETITION: College Senior Social League
SEASON: Term 3, Tuesday lunchtime and after school. Some Wednesday lunchtime.
TIMES: Tuesday lunchtime and after school
COSTS: $70 per student
Basketball - Junior: Intramural League at Wellington College
One of the most popular sports activities run in house, it is played at Wellington College either during lunch times or after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of term 2.
You can register below for this.
We will contact players in week seven of term one to form the teams.
You must be either a Year 9 or 10 student and NOT in a WC Basketball competitive team for this league. You can form your own team of friends (8 to 10 players) and make up a team name, and team t-shirt colour.
For more information click here.
CONVENER: Mr Brad Moon
UNIFORM: Black Shorts & Singlet (you can have your own team colour tops)
VENUE: Wellington College Sports Centre and OBG
COMPETITION: Tuesday lunchtimes and after-school
SEASON: Term 2.
COSTS: $70 per student