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Phar Lap Poem
Phar Lap he was foaled in New Zealand but he is honoured as an Aussie great
One might say the horse of the masses and his legend they still celebrate
In the Melbourne Museum he is mounted the horse known to all as Big Red
And what can one say or write of him that has not already been written and said.
The death of Phar Lap was a mystery he died young in the U S of A
'Tis said he was got at by some one the mystery lives on today
Some even say that he was poisoned your guess on that is as good as mine
He died at the height of his glory when he was a long way from decline.
The Kiwis do like to claim Phar Lap and the Aussies claim him for their own
His it is a World known story and the mystery surrounding his death it has grown
He was such a marvellous race horse and horses like him are so rare
But I wonder if he was a slow one would anybody even care
If he died under mysterious circumstances since him none would wish to recall
He would be forgotten like all of the slow horses and not be remembered at all
Since we only remember the champions and none do recall the also ran
And that also applies as we well know in the World of the woman and man.