Good sport is about a positive attitude
To the best of my ability I will:
Respect officials
Work hard to do my best at all times
Attend practices
Be a good sport
Remember to thank my coach, the officials, the bench and the opposition
This agreement is designed to enable all ‘team members’, including parents, to understand the process that will be followed by the coach and team manager.
All team players must:
Have respect for all ‘team members’ ie, coaches, managers, players, referees and the opposition
To listen to the coach and do your best to carry out their instructions
Be on time for games and practice. If for any reason you are unable to
attend, you must contact the coach or the manager beforehand
Wear the correct uniform with pride J
If these things are not adhered to, the coach/manager has the right to stand the player concerned down for one game, which the player is expected to attend.
In the event that a player or parent has a concern, the first contact should be with the Coach and Manager. If the concern is not resolved, please contact the Sports Co-ordinator.
Please remember that a lot of people give their time to this sport to make it enjoyable for all involved.