Ashburton Borough Netball 2023
Registrations for year 3-8 Junior Netball 2023 are now open.
Yr 3,4 Friday 28th April - 30th June
Yr 5,6,7,8 Saturday 29th April - August
To register Click here
Subs - Once payment is received your child will be entered into a team.
Yr 3,4,5,6 $70
Yr 7-8 $80
Each Future Ferns team is required to have a Coach who is also the Umpire, a Manager and a Scorer
Yr 7/8 We have a coach, manager, umpire and scorer organised. Additional scorers would be very welcome.
If you are happy to be a coach, manager or scorer you will need to also complete the sporty netball registration form. If you have anyone else who is interested in helping they will also need to fill out the registration form.
There will be a coaching workshop for all Yr 3-8 coaches. Details to be advised.
We are happy to guide anyone who is unsure about these roles. If a team does not have a coach or manager TEAMS CANNOT BE ENTERED into the competition.
THEREFORE WE NEED YOUR HELP. Please follow Mid Canterbury Netball on Facebook for coach, manager and umpire training coming up.
Nga mihi
Keryn Hickman