Registration FAQs

​​​​​​​Please follow the instructions on the registration page. This is the new system that commenced in 2023.

Payment for the season must be made online.

Registration for all ages runs from 1 April to end May each year taking in both Winter and Summer seasons. All athletes are encouraged to participate in both Winter and Summer. There is also a Winter/Harriers only season option.

Junior Athletics

Following registration all the children need to do on the first club night is pick up their age flash which will be ready and waiting for them in the clubrooms. There is a family discount of 25% of the club portion available, for 3+ family members. The discount will be automatically applied.​​​​​​​


How old does my child need to be? 

 Tiny Tots start from age three.  This is age they will be on December 31st 

What grade will my child be in?

It is based on your child’s age as at the 31st December.  e.g. If your child turns a certain age between 1st January and 31st December they are then placed in that year's age grade.

After Christmas does my child go up a grade?

No, the grade your child is in at the start of the first club night. Is the grade your child will be at the end of the season in March.

Is the registration fee only for Term 4?

No, the registration fee is for the whole season, which includes WInter. Registration runs from early April to end March, taking in Winter first, then Summer seasons. You do not need to pay again after Christmas in term 1.

​​​​​​​What time does club night start?

They start at 5:30pm for Tiny Tots.

Grade 5 and above start at 5:50pm for warm up.

What time does a club nights finish?

We aim to have Tiny Tots completed by 6:00pm

Grade 5 and 6 we aim to have completed by 7:00pm

Grade 7 and above, we aim to have completed by 7:30pm

Is there a uniform? Where can I buy it?

The Club royal blue, red and white singlet can be purchased from the club.  It is worn with plain black shorts for the boys and black bike shorts for the girls.  After registration members are provided with an age flash that is sewn (not pinned) onto the front of the singlet. There is generally a small second-hand market.

What happens on a club night?

At club nights, there will be a mixture of coaching and, timing and measuring events. They provide the opportunity for athletes to set goals for the season in each event and try to improve their personal best. 

Do ribbon days cost money?

There is no extra cost involved to enter a ribbon day.  Events such as the Regional Championship and the Waikato Relay Champs do have an entry fee.

Do you have to attend ribbon days?

No, it is up to your athlete as to whether they attend ribbon days.  The ribbon days offer competition races and field events for your athlete’s age. They are fun and a great opportunity to compete against athletes from other clubs in the region.