Refers to 4130 Chromoly, a strong metal alloy used abundantly in the production of BMX bicycles and parts.
Twenty-inch bicycle wheels, the most common size wheel for BMX bicycles.
The shaft on which the wheel revolves.
An abbreviation of handlebars.
A corner on a track built up on the outside of a turn to create a banked curve.
Abbreviation for bicycle motocross.
The mechanism at the bottom of the bicycle frame, which holds the spindle and crank.
Any bicycle braking system which works by opening and closing two brake shoes on the rim in a clamping motion, like jaws.
A lever mounted on the handlebar used for activating the brake.
Riding along and lifting both wheels off the ground, the starting point for almost all BMX tricks.
Coming up short on a jump & the back wheel of the bike hits the peak of the landing.
The part of the bicycle frame that runs parallel to the chain. It connects the bottom bracket to the rear dropouts.
A one-piece front gear. The chain wheel is attached to the bottom bracket and crank.
Hook or “clip” to your clip less shoes. Some clipless pedals have a cage around the outside of the pedals.
The L-shaped metal arm to which the pedals are attached.
A Bicycle with 24” wheel diameter.
A jump that goes wrong where the rider goes stiff and lands without performing a trick
A form of ramp consisting of a separate launch and landing with a gap in between
Part of the bicycle frame, which slants downward at an angle. It runs from the head tube to the bottom bracket.
Designation on a moto sheet that a rider “Did Not Start” in any particular race.
The assembly unit on a bicycle consisting of the chainwheel, chain, and freewheel.
Small, slotted openings, which hold the front and rear wheel axles.
Highest level of amateur competition.
The main part of a the bicycle, on which all the smaller parts are attached. Consists of a top tube, down tube, seat stays, chain stays, seat tube, and head tube.
The double-pronged section of the frame, which holds the front wheel in place.
A one-piece rear gear that allows the rider to back-pedal. Bearings are built in.
A number, which indicates the relationship between the two gears and tells you how much work a particular combination of gears will do.
Rubber or Plastic cover who goes on the handle bars at the end to aid in grip.
Bearing set for which your front end rotates on and your fork/handle bars slide into.
A short vertical tube at the very front of the bike. The front fork fits inside the head tube.