In 1972 the Cheviot Cricket Club promoted the idea of forming a touring team, strenghted by invited players from within North Canterbury. This team became know as The Hawkswood Wanderers.
It's first tour was to the Nelson district where five games were played. Since then the team has attended “Golden Oldies” Tournaments in Australia, Canada and several venues in the New Zealand as well as regular home games at Cheviot Hills.
The First Hawkswood Wanders Touring Team to Nelson in 1973: P. Acton- Adams (Kaikoura), R. Acton- Adams (Kaikoura), C W. Anderson (Waiau) Vice-Captain, D A. Anderson (Cheviot), C. Dampier-Crossley (Waiau), M D. Dickson (Cheviot), H. Fitzgibbon (Cheviot), F. Flynn (Kaikoura), F S. Gutzewitz (Cheviot) Manager, D. Jackman (Cheviot), D. Jones (Cheviot), A H. Macfarlane (Cheviot), R M. Macfarlane (Cheviot), D. McKenzie (Kaikoura), D. Upritchard (Cheviot), C. Wiffen (Cheviot), D I. Wyllie (Cheviot) Captain.
Information taken from the Late Rodger Macfarlane book "A Century of Hurunui Cricket"
The Hawkswood Wanders have two set fixtures each year vs The Willows and The Valley of the Peace.
In 2023 the Hawkswood Wanders celebrated 50 years with a dinner at the Cheviot Trust Hotel. Unfortunately the game was rained off. Names of Hawkswood players present at the dinner are listed below:
Back Row (Left to Right)- Lucas Kelly, Will Russell, Fergus Sidey, George Hiatt, Blair Kirkland, James Patterson, Alex Kirkland, James Kelly, Tom Dickson, Tuk Fitzpatrick, Scott Burnett, Woody Anderson, Will Inch, Murray Burnett, Dave Kelly Phil Dickson, Chris Mulcock, Stu Dickson, Eddie Norgate.
Front Row- Jim Dickson, Lachie Sidey, Murray Dickson, John Thomson, David Anderson, Sam Sidey (President) Freddie Fowler, John Gardner.
For more information about The Hawkswood Wanders please contact
Chris Mulock on 027 227 9066 or Phil Dickson on 027 921 8238