Keys to gear and changing rooms along with kiosk and money tin are to be collected from Leah Driscole 027 427 1447
Field Set Up:
Suggested time to commence 9:00am. Minimum of 2 males.
• Install goal post pads. Junior and Senior fields.
• Erect Midget and Minor goal posts.
• Install touchline poles on all fields. Plan of fields on gear door
• All gear is required to be put back into correct bags and returned to the gear and changing rooms at the end of the days play.
BBQ & Kiosk Duty:
The JAB kiosk is located at the rear of the squash court building facing the playing fields.
• JAB suggest that a minimum of 2 persons be on duty between
9:30am – 12 noon
• Food and drinks will be stored in the kiosk and perishables in the fridge
• All unused food can be put in the freezer
• A float of $200.00 will be in the money tin
• At the end of the day BBQ, trestles, benches and floor to be wiped down and mopped. Utensils washed and put away.
• Please check the gas bottle, if low on gas please inform the BBQ coordinator
• Please ensure all rubbish and wrappings are put in the rubbish bags supplied and removed by duty team
• Kiosk staff are to notify the JAB BBQ Coordinator if food, drink and supplies are insufficient so he/she can increase the weekly order accordingly
• When duty is complete, please lock up, put keys in BBQ money tin and return to Leah Driscole 027 427 1447
Game Day Co-ordinator: One person from the duty school must be wearing a high vis vest throughout the time on duty and be available to help in case of emergency and help usher in an ambulance if needed. They must also be the point of contact for any parents that need assistance. If any issues arise then any issues raised will be passed on to the Dannevirke JAB Committee.
Can/Bottle of drink $2.00
Sausage/Bread $2.00
Chocolate $2.00
Coffee and Tea $1.00
Any queries please contact the BBQ Coordinators:
Leah Driscole 027 427 1447
Bryn Quigan 027 603 6705