Offices: Chapman Pavilion, McLean ParkP O Box 201, Napier 4140
Phone: 06 835 7617 Fax: 06 835 4630
Email: admin@hbrugby.co.nz
Web: www.hbmagpies.co.nz
Serious Injury & Serious Injury Reporting
What constitutes a Serious Injury and when are you required to file an Injury report to Hawke’s Bay Rugby?
The following information is for all levels of rugby, from the youngest teams to our Golden Oldies and into the HBRFU representative scene
An injury serious enough to require the Serious Injury Report form (SIR) to HBRFU is as follows:
1. Any player that receives a head-knock/concussion injury.
Blue Cards are reported by the match official but many/most instances of head knocks are not sighted by the referee. Therefore, we need coaches and managers to be vigilant around the reporting of such incidents.
2. Any player that receives a neck injury that is serious enough to require medical attention – St John (or similar), hospital A&E or a medical practitioner, including after-hours.
3. Any player that requires attention from St John (or similar), hospital A&E or a medical practitioner, including after-hours.
4. Any injury that is expected to keep a player form playing for a period of eight (8) weeks or more.
Note 1: sometimes coaches and managers will not find out about an injury until after game day. If this occurs and it fits the criteria noted above HBRFU still require the SIR form to be completed and returned.
Note 2: Serious injuries can occur on game day or at training. If it occurs at training HBRFU still require the SIR form to be completed and returned.
If in doubt complete the report!
Please return forms to:
Gary Macdonald
Club Rugby/Player Welfare