The Dalvui Pavilion is available for Event hire

Public Rates

Fully operational kitchen, 4 toilet & shower facilities, bbq tables, office, servery/bar with fridge, wifi, tables and chairs with room for up to 99 people in the main hall, plus availablity for outdoor marquee overflow



PAVILION HIRE (Hall/Kitchen/Office/Toilets & Showers) - per day

Full Day/Large Groups (Upto 99 people)            $250

Seminar/Workshop (half day)                              $125

BOND* required                                                      $250

Wifi                                                                            $ 10 pr half day

Cleaning and ALL rubbish must be removed upon exit of building.

* BOND - will be refunded provided the facilities are left in a condition approved by the Park.  If not, the bond will be retained to pay for commercial cleaners and/or damage


If you are wishing to use the Hall only no grounds, for an equestrian related event

Online Booking system - select Equestrian Event Bookings - Public & Affiliates 

remember your promo code to get affiliate pricing