Equestrian Events
AFFILIATES -THIS PAGE SHOWS PUBLIC PRICING - Refer 'Official Price List' with your Secretary or request from bookings@hbequestrianpark.org
Facilities - per day 2024 rates
- Hall, kitchen, office, toilets & showers $ 180.00 Half day available
- Dalvui Toilets & Showers only $ 50.00
- Top Bank Bathrooms $ 50.00 charged when area used
- Ground Levy/Horse $ 12.00
- Yard Fee $ 12.00
- Camping/ vehicle / night - non powered $ 15.00
- Camping/ vehicle / night - powered $ 25.00
- Wifi - upon request $ 10.00/half day
- Paddocks available from March 2025 - 4 only, max 2 horses $40/night
Read "Things to know when Running an Event" for all the information you need to know from pre event to post event.
Once you have all the information at hand you can proceed to "Online Booking Instructions" to help you through the process.
"How to use Risk Management Plans" are your Health & Safety requirements - complete "Edit Risk Managment Plan" specific to your discipline. Where to email is included on first page.
Other Information
Yard Map - for allocation (evo events one is incorrect)
Requirements of Use - Park Rules
Cleaning Instructions will be sent out upon confirmation of your booking
Park Map
Top Bank - Western Arena(members only) pipe yards, public use dressage arena and show jumps, cross country fences, Casual Riding parking, Bathroom, NZMCA Park over Property, Caretaker shed, tenanted house (private), leased out grazing (out of bounds)
Tucker North* - mostly used for show jumping can fit 3 rings, 2 warmup areas, cross country fences
Tucker South* - can be used for low level show jumping, warmup area, parking, cross country fences
*Water Jumps, sunken road, creek divides these areas
Polo X - wooden yards, used for mounted games (6-8 lanes) and dressage (comfortably holds 6 arenas), show jumping
Pony Club - arena (members only) splash and cross country fences
Any further queries: bookings@hbequestrianpark.org