We offer 3 types of membership. If you would like to join us, please register by filling out the Registration Form under the Membership tab. There you can select which type of membership you would like to have.
"Friend of the Wairoa" Membership
This level of membership is FREE and registers your interest in and support for the Wairoa River. We will keep you updated on the Wairoa River release dates, river access, river user advocacy and events.
Standard Membership
This level of membership costs just $5 per year and includes club activities (social meetups, roll training, swiftwater rescue training and river trips) and the ability to hire club gear. This also supports the club's work around river access and amenities.
Whitewater NZ Affiliation
The mission of Whitewater NZ "... is to protect and restore Aotearoa's whitewater rivers and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely." Whitewater NZ act as a union for paddle sports. By becoming an affiliate member, you are helping to fund projects and increase the impact that paddlers can have to protect, access and safely enjoy rivers. An affiliate membership also gains you access to discounts through various supporting business and organisations.
Affiliation with Whitewater NZ through KCC is optional and currently costs $10 per year (in addition to the KCC standard membership = $15 per year). If you are already afiliated with Whitewater NZ, either individually or through another club, you do not need to also affiliate through KCC.