Marching Wellington Association

MNZ provides training for all Judges and are trained for the appropriate section they are adjudicating with Accreditation levels at Trainee, Qualified, National Qualified and International.

The Judging system is based on Awarding and judges adjudicate in an objective and unbiased manner and in compliance with the criteria stipulated.

Judges wishing to return to the sport after 2 years can sit a Refresher Exam and continue at their previous status.

If you are interested in Judging in our sport please contact the Chief Judge on the email below. 

Wellington Association Judges Panel

Chief Judge:  Victoria McDonald

  • Tech A (R&I): David Miller
  • Tech B (Upper body): Victoria McDonald
  • Tech C (Footwork): Ema Wihapi-Solia
  • Tech D (Structure): 
  • Compliance:  Marcella Burke
  • Display A:  Bob Gibbison
  • Display B:  Bob Gibbison

​​​​​​​All of our Wellington Panel are Nationally qualified.​​​​​​​

All Judges use a score sheet on which to make awards and comments as to the Team’s performance in line with the set criteria for their position.

Technical Drill Judge A – Review and Inspection

This is the first phase of the Technical Drills so if you have a quick eye, a sharp mind and attention for detail this is something that might interest you. The Technical Drill Judge A judges the Leader and Team members for aspects of leg and foot action, posture, arm swing, halts, turns, moving to stand at ease and attention, spacing, salute and tempo throughout the Review and Inspection phase of the Technical Drills.

Technical Drill Judge B – Upper body

Commonly referred to as judging “the top half” judge, Tech B sits at the rear of the field and judges the Leader and team members for all aspects of head turns, salutes, posture, arm-swing, handgrip, hand positions, arm drop, arm-swing out and discipline, both before and during every movement.

Tech B also judges whether a team meets the uniform requirements which is observed at the commencement of the Q/C/M.

Technical Drill Judge C – Footwork

The footwork Judge sits at the rear of the field and judges the Leader and team members for all aspects of leg and foot requirements during movements, commencing on completion of the whistle signal and ceasing after the step out pace has been taken. Tempo is also judged during and between movements.


Technical Drill Judge D – Structure

The Technical Drill Judge D judges the Leader and team members throughout the Technical Drills Movements phase for all aspects of dressing, covering, spacing, position and formation Completion both between and during the movements of each grade.

The is responsible for ensuring that marchers are placed correctly so if you have a good eye then this is the role for you.

Compliance Judge

The Compliance Judge Judges the Leader for having any part of the correct foot on the Disc for each movement of the Q/C/M phase for each Grade. This Judge also judges the calipers at the completion of the Review and Inspection.

Display Judges

There are two Display Judges who sit at the front of the field and will Judge the Leader and team members for all aspects of the Display. Although each Judge has slightly different aspects to judge, a Display Judge must be capable of Judging in both positions. The Display Judge A will judge the Team for the requirements of the criteria, including presentation, formations, formation precision, boundary, and circle. The Display Judge B will judge the Team for the requirements of the criteria, including Presentation, Musical interpretation, Drills both variety and precision, Salute and Time Compliance.

If you like music and the creative freestyle movement adopted to show creativity, co-ordination, and versatility this could well be for you.