Committee Office Holders
President: Anna Gale
Vice President: Rebecca Lawrence
General Secretary: Sue Rudler
Treasurer: Nikki Griffith
DNZ Delegate: Pip Forsyth
Area Judges Officer (AJO): Alison Souness
Marlborough Equestrian Park Representatives:
Tracy Rose Russell and Carolyn Houghton
Youth Representative Arna Davis
South Island Champs Roles
Anna Gale and Tracy Rose Russell (stabling and yarding)
Other Committee Members
- Sue Lucas
- Sharon Inwood
- Helen Buitendijk
- Tonia Stewart
- Sherilee Jane
- Emma Pilcher
General Enquires to:
Event Entry Enquires to:
Supporting Services for 2023-2024
- Event Manager - Anna Gale
- Marketing & Publicity - Emma Pilcher
- Event Secretary (EvoEvents) - Sharon Inwood
- Show Day Office Secretary - Janelle Saunders
- Health & Safety Co-ordinator - Janelle Saunders
- Sponsorship - Anna Gale ,Emma Pilcher
- Arenas Co-ordinator - Rebecca Lawrence
- Helpers Co-ordinator -Rebecca Lawrence
- Writer Co-ordinator - Tonia Stewart
- Judges co-ordinator- Anna Gale
- Catering for Officials -
- Draws - Anna Gale
- Yard Allocation - Tracy Rose Russell
- Programmes/schedules- ToniaStewart/Anna Gale
- Event Hostess
Thank you to all on our Committee and those contributing their valuable time and skills to ensuring all our competitions are well run, managed, and safe for all involved.