The following grades are available in the 2023-2024 season.
For more information about our grades, contact metrosoftballnz@gmail.com

BABY-SOX (Pre-schoolers)
If your little one is between the age of 2 - 4years, Baby Soxs is the development program that introduces them to the fundamentals of Softball. Qualified coaches help develop batting and fielding skills through games with an emphasis on FUN. Baby sox will run alongside tee-ball training on Wednesday afternoons, to allow your pre-schooler to train at the same time as bigger siblings. 

TEE-BALL (Ages 4 - 8)
Tee-ball (ages 4 - 8), a modified version of softball and baseball, is a fun way to discover diamond sports. It is a modified version of softball and baseball where young players develop batting skills by hitting from a tee. Fielding skills are also learnt, although the emphasis at this level is on discovery, team work and establishing a development path based on current strengths. Tee-Ball training is held on Wednesday nights @ 5.30pm. Games are on Saturdays @ 9.00am. 

ROOKIE SOX (Ages 8 - 11)
Rookie Sox consists of the Under 10, Under 11 and Under 12 mixed grade teamsPlayers develop their skills by hitting off pitchers, with the grades being non-competition to ensure the emphasis is on learning in a fun and encouraging environment. Taining is held on Wednesday nights @ 5.30pm, alongside the Tee-Ball module. Games are on Saturdays @ either 9.00am or 10.30am. 

Softball is anything but soft - pitches are fast, hits are hard and competition is fierce.  But even more than that - softball is wicked FUN! At Metro, players aged 12 and over play in competitive fast-pitch grades (Under 13 / 15 / 17 / 19 Boys & Girls).Trainnings for our Junior and youth teams are on a  Wednesday or Thursday afternoons. Games are played on Saturday mornings at either 9.00am or 10.30am at softball parks around Auckland - depending on who the opposition are.

This is not premier ball but these teams play to win! Players are wanted for our well established Division 1 and 2 teams for both Men & Women.  While the men's teams do not train, the women practice on either Wednesday or Thursday evenings. Both play games on Saturday afternoons at either 1.30pm or 3.30pm. There are several optional tournaments held throughout the season too! 

​These teams aim to win but take a relaxed approach to games.  Fun is number one!  Players wanted for Division 3, 4 and 5 teams. Games are played Saturday afternoons at either 1.30pm or 3.30pm. No training required for these grades. There are several social and 'drinking' styled tournaments held throughout the season which are played on Sundays. 

​The next step in softball, for those capable of handling it.