All fees are due on the 3rd August
If fees are not paid by this date then your child/children will forfeit their placement.

Fees can by paid by internet banking.

The account number is 03 1355 0723632 00.

If you would like to set up an automatic part payment please contact our

Treasurer: Jeanette Rae at [email protected]

Swim Club Prices
30 min sessions - $70 for three terms
45 min session - $90 for three terms

Term by term enrolment $30 per term

Competitive and Non-Competitive Swimmers:

A full copy of the Financial Policy can be found in the Competitive Swimmers Tab.

​​​​​​​As per the financial policy Competitive  Swimmer's fees are $200 a year.

(this includes the $110.40 SNZ Affliation Fee) and are due on 3rd August.

Competitive Swimmers are to pay their own meet entry fees for Category B and C meets

(definitions of these meets can be found in the Financial Policy).

If a swimmer qualifies for and attends a Category A meet they will be invoiced a further $100 payable on the 20th of the following month. The Club will cover entry fees for these meets.

Non-Competitive Swimmers:

Non-competitive swimmer's fees will be $80 a year (this includes the $15.55 SNZ Affliation Fee). These swimmers are also expected to pay their own meet entry fees. Non-competitive swimmers are not eligible for a club t-shirt and cannot enter the Southland Long or Short Course Championships.

If a Non-Competitive swimmer wishes to go competitive during the season they will be invoiced a further $120 and if they attend a category A meet they too will be invoiced a further $100 payable on the 20th of the following month.