The bike is our tool and it's why we ride - the feeling of freedom, of outdoors fun and of competition make our sport what it is.
Our bikes must be safe and we have to know the machines around us are safe too because we all push our limits alongside other riders.
The full Motorcycling New Zealand (MNZ) machine requirements are HERE
This includes:
- Random checking of machines can take place before, during or after an event and riders penalised or disqualified for entering a machine that does not comply with minimum MNZ requirements (is unsafe).
- The Steward can exclude any machine or equipment considered unsafe from the event so you can't ride.
- AT ALL TIMES the competitor must ensure their equipment is being operated within the specifications and any limits of the equipment manufacturer or supplier.
Physical Requirements of the motorcycle:
- Must be fitted with securely mounted footrests
- Exhaust systems must be fitted and securely mounted
- CLUB RULE: ALL trail bikes must have Spark Arrestor fitted
- The Steward can reject any machine considered unduly noisy - Some venues may have specific noise level limits
- Must be fitted with an efficient brake on both front and rear wheels
- Must have the top run of the primary chain completely covered by a guard to keep riders clothing from coming in contact with the transmission, and the rear chain guarded when considered necessary
- Must have rounded inner surfaces on clutch and brake levers, the outer end of such levers to be securely fitted with a rounded knob or ball of not less than 16mm
- Handlebars must not be of greater width than 92cm and must have the ends securely capped or plugged
- Metal handlebar protection may not be used in any Supercross or in any NZ or Island title Motocross event race
- Sidestands must be removed from motorcycles used in motocross and stadium motocross events
- Steering dampers may be fitted but the attachment method must be of good commercial standard
- Metal steering stops must be added to the frame if the existing stops are inadequate
- Every motorcycle which takes part in a competition on an open public road shall comply with all legal requirements
- Warrants of fitness are not required for speed events on an officially closed road
Check out the MNZ requirements to make sure you are up to speed with what your bike needs to be to be safe to race and ride.