Introducing your Orewa Croquet Club coaches
The Club is very fortunate in having a number of qualified coaches, all of whom are most willing to help members with any problems, teach rules and tactics and to generally help make your games more enjoyable.

Pixie Jones
Our head coach, Pixie, has been coaching various sports for 50 years, 44 years coaching netball and many years coaching tennis, swimming and touch rugby.  She took on coaching croquet fifteen years ago at the Warkworth club and two years ago re-joined Orewa and became our coach.  Pixie has completed the NZ level one and NZ level two croquet coaching courses for Association Croquet which cover all the skills needed for Golf Croquet. 

​​​​​​​John Merredew

John has also completed the NZ level one Association coaching course and between Pixie and John they have many, many years of ongoing practical coaching experience, both in NZ and in Australia.

Julie Parry
Julie is the Club's “introductory” coach.  As a qualified Golf Croquet coach, any new-to-croquet people come along to the club wishing to have a go at our great game, Julie is our “go to” coach.  She takes them through the basics so that they can come along to a couple of club days to try the game out before deciding whether or not it is the game for them.  Her helpful cheerfulness is crucial at this early stage.

Lesley Dallimore & Bets Blake

Lesley & Bets are NZ qualified. They hold Level 1 Coaches certification specialising in Golf Croquet with a particular focus on coaching our new-to-Golf-croquet members, providing both skills and tactical elements of the game. They both provide excellent insights into playing the game through their personal croquet experience and qualified coaching.

These five people have put a lot of their time into becoming coaches.  They try extremely hard to give the correct information to players so that everyone can have the same opportunity to play the game in the proven and accepted way.  Our coaches recommend that you leave correction in technique to them, however feel free to help each other with tactics.

Remember, if you have any problems with your game, don’t hesitate to speak to one of our coaches, we are always available to help.

See Contacts