This page contains info on our Saturday Junior cricket programs for 2024-25. For other programs and more general info about Parklands Cricket, click here.
Parklands Cricket offer among the lowest and best value subscription fees in Christchurch, with great inclusions such as a playing shirt and free hat (often required extra purchases at other clubs). Despite our low fees, we believe we provide a fantastic, well organised and high quality offering both on and off the field that explains why we have been one of the fastest growing junior clubs in Christcurch since 2022.
Enrolling your child in Saturday Cricket for Parklands is a step into not only developing their cricket skills and fostering a life long love for the game, but also to developing their teamwork, friendships and sense of community. At Parklands Cricket, we believe that "balance is better" and look to build good sports as well as great cricketers.
We cater for all abilities and have both novice and competitive teams and grades, as well as girls-only teams playing in girls-only grades. We understand that each child learns at different rates and in different ways and adapt our approach to the benefit of every child, from new starters to budding BlackCaps.
We place a huge emphasis on team belonging and culture and use an "age and stage" approach to skills and development, with maximum participation and fun always at the heart of what we do. We want your children to enjoy their cricket, have a positive and resilient attitude to developing their skills and to being great teammates.
With most junior games taking only around 75 - 100 minutes, Saturday Cricket is not the end of your weekend that it used to be but the positive start the kids will look forward to. Our teams understand that you'll be away some Saturdays so please don't let the odd planned summer holiday stop you from joining a Saturday team.
Subscription Fees
We're pleased to again offer among the lowest base junior cricket fees in Christchurch as we continue to grow our club and aim to get more young players into cricket and team sport.
Years 1 to 4 - $TBC
Years 5 to 7 - $TBC
Year 8 (Half Season) - $TBC
Click here to join and for more information on any current grants and subsidies.
Season Dates
The season starts for 2024-25 on Saturday, October 19 and runs every Saturday until the Christmas break on December 14, except for Canterbury Anniversary Weekend (16 November). Note that games are scheduled for the Saturday of Labour Day weekend, but we understand that some players will be away.
After Christmas, play resumes on February 1 and then continues every Saturday until March 22.
Your team/grade may also have an additional Friday night game on Hagley Oval - dates to be confirmed.
Please see our full Season Calendar here.
What and When?
The format and time of play depends on the grade. See this grade info summary from Canterbury Junior Cricket, but in short:
Girls-only grades use a slightly different alignment of ages to the above - see this summary, but essentially have the same progression from soft to harder ball cricket.
If Friday night games are scheduled in the season, these will start at 4:30PM or 5:30PM depending on the grade.
Regular home games are played at Parklands Reserve or ocassionally Queenspark Reserve - see our field maps here. Away games could be anywhere in Christchurch but are often grouped by section/area so will typically be in the North and North East - see the CJCA maps here.
You can choose to place your child in a higher grade (for example to play with a family member) but this is at your own risk - please e-mail if you'd like to do this or add a note when registering.
To play down a grade, dispensation is required from Canterbury Junior Cricket so please also e-mail if you think you'd like to do this.
Parklands Cricket supply a playing shirt for your child to be returned at the end of the season, or there is an option to purchase your own. Using loan shirts allows us to keep the cost of cricket registrations down.
Our generous sponsors also enable us to provide a free hat to all players, which is given out at first/debut games in a "capping ceremony" - just like the BlackCaps!
The only additional item to purchase is plain white shorts or cricket pants - these can be found at shops such as Rebel Sports and The Warehouse or for cost-effective options try McCracken Sports in New Brighton.
Each team will be supplied with a gear bag with enough bats, balls, tees and all protective gear of the appropriate sizes for your team. Unlike some other clubs, we don't require you to supply your own helmets and other protective gear but many parents choose to do this.
Years 1 to 4 do not require any protective equipment though you can choose to use some if you wish. Cricket/gripping shoes are also not required at lower grades - comfortable running shoes will suffice.
There is no specific clothing requirement for training.
You may choose to supply your own bat, but in Kiwi Cricket only yellow plastic bats can be used. Please see the New Zealand Cricket gear guide here here for recommended bat sizes for your child's height.
Parklands United Sports Club also offer club branded apparel for purchase at our online store.
Equipment and Facilities
Depending on the grade and team, you may make use of the nets at Parklands Reserve or practice "in the open" near them. Our artificial pitch has recently been upgraded and another is also available at Queenspark Reserve.
We also have bowling machines, catching practice nets ("Crazy Catch") and other tools available for your coaches and teams to use.
For Saturday players, you will have an additional training/practice on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights.
The start date and time for this will depend on your volunteer coach and other players, but as an indication, most teams usually train for around 45 to 60 minutes starting from 4:30 - 5:30PM.
During registration, you will be asked to indicate your preferred training day which will assist us in grouping players into teams.
Parklands United Sports Club and Cricket is a true community sports club. We rely on parents to volunteer to coach, manage and score for teams and while this is a decent time commitment it is also incredibly rewarding. This engagement from parents is also a huge part of helping our club and community thrive and we view that we are "all in it together" to help our tamariki.
Full support for coaches is provided including help with arranging practices, games and resources. Coaches will also attend a pre-season session run by Canterbury Cricket.
Managers look after the administration of each team, making sure the team knows where they're playing and practicing and acting as a liaison between the team and the club.
If you are interested in helping out please indicate on the registration form or e-mail
Parklands Cricket run regular Club Nights and Events through the season for our players and parents. Each Club Night has a bar, food and fun games and activities for the kids. Players of the Day and other achievements will be recognised and our focus is entirely on the junior grades.
Each club night also has a "Host Team" who will assist with activities, duties, and will be introduced player by player to the club.
Please see our full Season Calendar here for club night dates and details.
If you have any further questions on the season or about Parklands Cricket please don't hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you to, or back to, Parklands Cricket this season.
Matt Smith
Cricket Convenor
027 466 4444
Clubrooms, 75 Queenspark Drive, Parklands, Christchurch
PO Box 38-015, Parklands, Christchurch