The Relelation Executive Board provides strong leadership with a wealth of combined expertise in administrative and fuctional sports practise. The board is committed to ensuring that the club meets best practise in all areas of activity. Established on a foundation of Christian values, the boards mandate encourages the benefits of sports in an array of disciplines to benefit physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing of its members. By achieving this, coaching and club facilitation adher's to general guidelines set down by New Zealands leading sports facilitators and governing bodies. In conjunction with this, the Executive Board enforce best practise in health and safety in addition to ensuring that strong ethical standards are upheld. This ensures that the functions of reviewing and monitoring the Revelation Sports and Cultural Club Incorporated's strategic and financial plans, (including on going fundraising and sponsorship efforts), are at all times compliant, effective and functional.
Chairperson: Kim Eliza
Secretary: Briar Favel
Treasurer: Neville Ngaika
Executive Member: Alex Wong
Executive Member: Deborah Ward
Finance & Operations Manager: David Rewi