Free Classes Celebrate Special Day for Seniors

On the 1st of October, like-minded exercise professionals across Christchurch, North Canterbury and the Selwyn District will celebrate a special day with an exciting offer of FREE fitness classes for older adults interested in improving their strength and balance.

Monday 1 October is the International Day of the Older Person, and Sport Canterbury’s Strength and Balance Project Leader Rebecca Logan has brought together partners with a common vision: Live Stronger for Longer.

“Sport Canterbury has partnered with approved strength and balance exercise providers, to offer free exercise classes across the city and wider region.”

On Monday 1 October, nine exercise classes will be offered in various locations and will be followed by a social morning or afternoon tea. A 10th class, also free of charge, will be offered on Thursday 4 October.

Approved classes are designed for older adults and have a strong focus on improving strength and balance to promote the vision: Live Stronger for Longer. For more information about approved Strength and Balance classes, please visit

Please phone or e-mail to register for these classes, as spaces are limited. Although these classes are suitable for beginners, participants need to be medically fit to exercise - if you are uncertain, please check with your GP.


Circuits for Seniors

A low impact, circuit style class which enhances strength, balance and cardiovascular fitness.

Monday 1 October, 9am. Woodend Community Hall, 6a School Road.

To register- [email protected] or 022 134 5275


YMCA Lifefit Circuit

Interval, weight and cardio stations to improve overall strength and stamina.

Monday 1 October, 11am. YMCA Bishopdale, 13a Bishopdale Court.

Monday 1 October, 11am. YMCA City, 12 Hereford Street, City Centre.

To register - [email protected] or 03 359 8320


Active Seniors

This social class includes a combination of easy, low impact, dancing, circuit, sport skills and stretching.

Monday 1 October, 10am. Lincoln University Recreation Centre.

To register - [email protected] or 03 423 0550


Low Impact Circuit

This is a low impact, fun exercise class aimed at older people and people getting back into fitness – excellent for heart fitness, strength and balance.

Monday 1 October,10am. Lincoln Events Centre.

To register -  027 212 3861


Strength Training for Everyday Balance

A practical class that aims to increase your understanding of balance and how to improve it.

Monday 1 October, 9.30am. Paradigm Performance, 15/42 Marriner Street, Sumner.

To register - [email protected] or 021 0278 5963


Adapted Yoga and Pilates

Build strength to improve posture and increase balance, while also reducing stress levels. There are no fancy yoga outfits, just friendly, fun and supportive people.

Monday 1 October, 11am Pirahau Room, Te Hāpua Centre, 341 Halswell Road

and 11:30am, Adapted Yoga and Pilates, 34 Yaldhurst Road.

To register - [email protected] or 972 5452


Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise system, which integrates mind, body and breath by way of slow, gentle, effective movement.

Monday 1 October, 1pm. Prebbleton Hall, 617 Springs Road, Prebbleton.

To register - [email protected] or 027 827 2791


Live Stronger for Longer - Balance Class

A simple, functional class to help strengthen and lengthen muscles, while reducing the risk of falling. Always varied, always fun, and in the supportive environment of a women’s only facility.

Monday 1 October, 3pm. Female Federation, 9 Humphreys Drive, Ferrymead.

To register - [email protected] or 03 962 0060



Your Space Pilates

A seated Pilates classes for those wanting to increase core and leg strength as well as balance. Participants in this class are gently guided through the exercises with support.

Thursday 4 October, 11am. 442 Durham Street North, St Albans.

To register - [email protected] or 022 015 0743