Free June Classes - Celebrate Independence for Men

Christchurch men have many reasons to celebrate the month of June – thanks to Sport Canterbury and an incredibly generous group of local activity providers who care about men’s health.

“Men’s Health Month is a chance for men across New Zealand to start talking more about their health,” says Sport Canterbury Chief Executive Julyan Falloon.

Falloon’s Strength and Balance team promotes the message: “Live Stronger for Longer.” They work closely with strength and balance approved providers who help build strength and mobility.

“We see an increasingly active and fit older population,” Falloon adds. “Unfortunately, there is greater understanding around the value of being active – and less appreciation for how much building strength and balance can improve one’s quality of life."

In June, Sport Canterbury is committed to bringing this message to men across Greater Christchurch, with specific opportunities for over-60s to try new and inspiring activities – at no cost.

Rebecca Logan, who is Sport Canterbury's Community Group Strength and Balance Project Leader, encourages men to make the most of this monthlong opportunity.

“Come and give it a go, and if you enjoy it, buddy up with another participant to become a regular class attendee. Group exercise offers many benefits to men, including improving your strength and balance, which will enable you to live stronger for longer.” 


Men’s Health Month - June 2019

Free Classes for Over-60s


YMCA Lifefit Circuit Class

10 June

This circuit class involves intervals with weights and cardio stations to enhance strength and stamina. It is suitable for all fitness levels. Come and give it a go. Socialise with free refreshments after class.  

11am - 12pm, YMCA 13a Bishopdale Court, Bishopdale

To register: [email protected] or phone Paul, 03 359 8320


Move it or Lose it

10 June

Work on strength, balance and mobility in a fun, relaxed environment. A chance to socialise with like-minded people. Free refreshments after class.

10 -11am, Fendalton Community Centre (auditorium), 170 Clyde Road, Burnside

To register: [email protected] or phone Krissy, 03 351 3236


Active Seniors 

25 June

The 'Active Seniors' exercise class is a social class which combines, easy, low impact, dancing, sport skills, circuit activities and stretching. Suitable for beginners. Come along and have a go. A chance to socialise with free refreshments after class.

10.10 – 11.10am, Lincoln University Recreation Centre, Caulder Drive, Lincoln

To register: [email protected] or phone Penelope, 03 423 0050


Please register by phone or e-mail, as there are limited places available.

Although the classes are all suitable for beginners, participants need to be medically fit to exercise - if you are uncertain, it is recommended that you check with your GP.

For more information on upcoming events and classes near you follow Sport Canterbury on facebook -