Coming up……..
Mon, Nov 4 - Coaching - 9:30am
Tues, Nov 5 - Afternoon Fours 1:00pm
Wed, Nov 6 - Evening 2-4-2's
Rangatahi Bowls 4-5pm
Fri, Nov 8 - Roll up – names in by 12:45pm
Sat, Nov 2 - Centre 4's (not at Stoke)
Sun, Nov 3 - Centre 4's (not at Stoke)
Duty Team this week: Peter Hodson, James Pugh
Next week: Lloyd Bellis, Lynden Penketh
Put out mats and jacks
Mark green if required (equipment in Carter Green shed)
Check chalk and dusters on boards
Put up flag
Wipe down seats (towels in Wadsworth Green shed)
The first name on the roster is the team leader to ensure the team is aware.
Please do your bit to make it easier for everyone
Check the board or our website to see when you are rostered on