This website is a snapshot of the website for this organisation as at 20/07/2016. Content may be out of date until the administrator updates this site.

What is AC and GC?

Association Croquet

This form of croquet has been played for many, many years and is generally referrred to as "croquet".  Asscociation croquet and golf croquet do have similarities - playing on a lawn with six hoops, hitting a ball with a mallet, and attempting to run a hoop - that is croquet talk for hitting a ball through a hoop! But, that is where the similarity stops....

Takaro Croquet encourage both forms of the game and members are willing to pass on their experience and knowledge to beginners.

Golf Croquet -

This is a relatively new and exciting sport in New Zealand and is becoming very popular in all age groups all over the world.

Golf Croquet is a quick and easy game to learn, without having too many rules.

Both games are a healthy way of having lots of fun.

It is not too energetic.

It is intriguing, fascinating and addictive.

Strategy and a bit of luck are useful for both singles and doubles in both GC & GC games!

Our season is from 1st September through to 31st August.  Winter croquet can be played but this depends on our members, weather and the green keeper!!!!!