Croquet will continue during the winter months from 30th April to 1st September (weather permitting) as follows:-
Tuesday - 1.15pm for play at 1.30pm
Sunday - 1.15 pm for play at 1.30pm
Social Members free, casual players $5.00 - everyone is welcome.
During winter for social members and visitors wishing to play - these afternoons will not be organised, so please ensure you contact someone to check that the lawns are playable.
For non members and visitors wishing to learn about the game please contact -
Allan on 356 8850 or Norman on 356 8673.
Just remember to come in your casual gear wearing your flat soled shoes and join us in a lot of fun.
All equipment will be provided.
Association Croquet & Golf Croquet
Tuesday - 1.15pm onwards
Thursday - from 4.30pm onwards
Sunday - 1.15pm onwards
Twilight croquet is on Thursdays during daylight saving
Association Croquet & Golf Croquet
Tuesday - 1.15pm onwards
Sunday - 1.15pm onwrds
Everyone is welcome, come along and join us, we look forward to seeing you.
Please come in your casual gear wearing your flat soled shoes and join us for a lot if fun.
All equipment will be provided.