SUMMER PROGRAMME: October 2024 to March 2025

Meet at the Hub, Huka Falls Road (opp Craters of the Moon)

Saturdays @9.00am
Coffee and a chat afterwwards

Tuesday and Thurday @9.00am
Coffee and a chat afterwards

For more information contact:
Noel Bennett
027 758 3410

WINTER PROGRAMME:   April to October

All sessions are at the clubrooms unless otherwise advised.

Runners and Walkers all abilities are welcome.

Saturday 1.30pm
A mix of on and off-road pack runs.

Races such as the Downhill Mile, Patron's Darby, Cross Country Series, Club Cross Country and Road Club Champs will be held where there is sufficient numbers. 

Wednessday 5.30pm

Meet at the clubrooms.  Reflective gear is essential for night runs.

To confirm venue contact Noel 027 758 3410