At Tawa College, our sports teams are fortunate to participate in a number of annual exchanges and tournaments.
There are also several College Sport Wellington run tournaments, across multiple sports, that our teams participate in.

Students participating in the sports exchanges with Havelock North
will be billeted while travelling away and are expected to reciprocate at home.

Please note that all exchanges are voluntary, extra curricular activities. There is no obligation for any student to participate
however it is expected that students who do, will pay the full costs involved, as set by the school. 
Payment must be made by the due date advised, prior to the commencement of the trip.

  • Havelock North Summer Exchange
  • National Secondary Schools Summer Tournament Week  
  • Havelock North Winter Exchange
  • Triangular Exchange with Newlands + Onslow College
  • Junior Central 6 Winter Exchange
  • National Secondary Schools Winter Tournament Week 
  • Junior Central 6 Summer Exchange 
  • ​​​​​​​Wairapara College Winter Exchange