Delegates / NZMH Kaunihera
Tania Ambrosius (Otautahi)
Sioux Morgan (Otautahi)
Kuia: Kararaina Blake (Whakatū)
Committee & Team Co-ordinators
Tamara Dudley, Wiki Burdon, Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle, Ben Chorley (Angel), Kiri Rakuraku-Akavi, Chez Parore, Nikki Webb, Sioux Morgan, Harry Macgregor.
Wāhine Coach
Kiri Rakuraku-Akavi (Tasman)
Tanya Hawley (Whakatū)
Tāne Coach
Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle (Otepoti)
Chez Parore (Ōtautahi)
2022 Tournament
Committee 2021-2022
Nikki Webb, Sharona Gordan (Whakatu), Nicola Patete Colegate (Wellington), Wiktoria Burdon (Otago) Vannessa Goodchild (Wellington)
Executive Committee (NZMH Kaunihera)
Tania Ambrosius, Tamara Dudley, Ethan Hohneck, Tracy Edmonds, Gail Amber
Tournament Director 2021/22 Martin Glossop (Otago)
Umpire Manager 2021/22 Colin French
Photographer 2022 Geoff Soper (CHA & Hockey NZ)
TWP Umpires 2022 Apera Akavi, Max Beech, Angela Reimer, David Oakley, Deborah Parkinson, Jacob Camilleri, Nikki Hayes, Sara Cox, Tim Oakley, Tracy Stock, Russell Plank, Jan Wilson, Ben Algie, Andrew Brydon, Malcolm Hohepa
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Māori Hockey tournaments, in general, were prevalent throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s, often held on the East Coast of the North Island throughout the Bay of Plenty and in the Waikato Maniapoto district. When the number dwindled, national women’s hockey representative, coach and “mother of Māori hockey”, Margaret Hiha (Ngati Rangitihi, Te Arawa) decided to push the revitalization of Māori involvement in hockey and established a National Hockey Tournament.
The inaugural tournament was held in Napier in 1992 and hosted by the people of Takitimu waka region. Tournaments have been held annually and hosted by each of the Māori Hockey Districts (except the South Island) and are determined by the Māori Land Court boundaries.
According to the 2006 Census, the Māori population in the region was just over 65,000 representing 11.6 per cent of the total New Zealand Māori population.
The national tournament is held annually over Labour weekend and is an official listing on the NZ Hockey Federation calendar of events.
Source: "www.tournament.wmh.maori.nz/home/about/"
Māori and Hockey: More than a game - by Dylan Thomas (Raukawa, Hauraki)
Objectives of New Zealand Māori Hockey (Te Haupoi Māori o Aotearoa)
- To provide all people of Māori ancestry who are interested in playing hockey an inclusive opportunity, regardless of age, ability, or gender.
- To increase awareness of Māori culture while providing opportunities for participation in hockey.
- Our objective is to foster the expansion of hockey in Aotearoa for the entire Māori community.
- The tournament will be hosted by each Rohe in a sequential order.