Welcome to the Home of Verdon College Basketball
General information
Teachers in Charge of Basketball at Verdon are
TBA – Years 9-13
and Maria Thurlow Years 7-8Verdon College usually enters teams into the Southland Basketball Association Junior High League and the Secondary Schools League. Basketball is one of the fastest growing sports within our school. Our teams will also include students from Aurora College and Te Whare Kura Arowhena where they don’t have enough students for complete teams. All Verdon students who register for Basketball will be placed into teams. It is really important for organisational purposes that students register online as soon as possible to allow us plenty of time to determine numbers for trials and teams
The Southland Basket Association Website
Click Here contains all the information needed about their different leagues. The website is updated daily with draw changes and other information.
Our draws are put up in the Window of the Gym for students to see and is usually sent to parents/students who have provided their email addresses on registration to play with the school.
Verdon College has a policy of ‘No fines’ so we make every effort to ensure that defaults and no shows do not occur. Senior teams are expected to provide referees and do duties as part of them participating in our teams. Verdon College will provide every support that we can to assist in duties and avoiding default games.
Students need to register online to be considered for teams. This process saves a considerable amount of time for our Administrators and ensures that accurate information is sent to Regional Sporting Organisations who run sport in Southland. This process allows our Sport Coordinator to give Coaches and Managers correct name and contact details to Coaches, Managers and Teachers in charge, thus making more time available to them to run trials and actually coach!
Fees for Verdon College 2019: Spring League Yr 7 & 8 are $65, Junior High Students are $85, Sec Schools - NOT Senior A Y9-13 are $95, and Senior A Students are $105. These can vary each year depending on costs. Please contact the school office if you need to make arrangements for payment. Some of these fees are used for the purchase of new Basketball equipment and uniforms as needed
Training dates and Times
For most of the Junior and Senior teams are usually during school lunchtimes, or after school, in either the Verdon Hall or the Kura Gym or could be at Stadium Southland. Our facilities at school are made available to both Netball and Basketball. In 2015 we had 38 teams all vying for the use of our facilities so teams are expected to share and accommodate each other. Times are dependent on bookings and Coach availability. Students may be expected to train before and after school hours if we cannot accommodate all the teams at school
Coaches and Managers
We are always on the lookout for new Coaches and Managers and referees, please contact the sports office if you are able to help. We lucky to have a high number of students involved in coaching Basketball at Verdon and we provide them with every support that we can. Without Student Coaches Verdon would very few teams in many sports at school
Students are issued with a School Singlet (The Senior A Teams are also issued shorts) to play in, and are expected to wear Black Shorts. Parents will be invoiced for the replacement cost of uniforms if not returned to the sports office in a timely manner once competitions have ended. Uniforms will only be issued to students who have completed online registration. Students are expected to wear appropriate footwear.
Competition Rules and Procedures
For each of the competitions are available on the Southland Basketball Website, and the rules and league information is posted on another tab
Semis and Finals
The format for these is dependent on the team entries to specific competitions and can differ. Please see the Southland Basketball Website, or your child Coach for specifics regarding Semis and finals
Junior High League
The Junior High League involves teams made up from years 7 & 8 students and played in Term One each year and is usually played for up to 10 weeks
Trials are held at the beginning of term one to determine A & B teams only. All students who register will be placed into a team.
Games are played on Tuesdays after school at Stadium Southland in the Velodrome or at participating school gyms
Secondary School League
The Secondary School League is made up from years 9-13 students both boys and girls teams and consist of Junior and Senior Grades. Year 7 & 8 Players can play in the Junior Grades but they must receive dispensation via Southland Basketball which the school will apply for if we deem it appropriate.
This competition is played in Term Two of each year and is usually played for up to 10 weeks
Teams are expected to participate in duties each week and are the duty teams are rostered
Teams will be withdrawn from competition by SBA if a team defaults twice without an explanation
Should you require any further information on Basketball at Verdon College please call Maria Thurlow or Di Griffiths our Sport Coordinator on 03 2169039 ext 645 or 0272760014 Her hours of work are : Monday - Friday, 830am - 3:
30pm (During the school term)