Verdon Netball Club
Coach, Manager and Player Selection Policies and Procedures
- To select netball teams to represent Verdon College in the local Invercargill Netball Centre’s competition
- To appoint suitable coaches and managers to each of the netball teams
Player Selection Policy
Each Verdon team will comprise of 7-12 players in the following age groups:
- Senior - Year 11-13
- Year 9, Year 10
- Year 7, Year 8
NB: Players are preferred to attend at least 2 of the trials however in some circumstances (discussed with selectors prior to trials) previous performances will be considered in the selection process.
The Selection Panel will comprise of Verdon College rep, Netball South rep, the coach (if appointed prior to trials) or if coach hasn’t been appointed, an independent volunteer.
Coach and Manager Selection Policy
- Club to advertise for coaches and managers prior to trials via school newsletter, website, Facebook and through Sport Southland
- Incumbent coaches and managers will be notified via email prior to the advertising.
- Interested coaches and managers to submit an application form to Verdon sports coordinator
- Coaches and managers will be appointed by the Verdon sports coordinator and Verdon Netball representative
- If there is more than one coach or manager vying for a team, then an appointments panel will be set up to appoint the right person for the position.
- The appointments panel will consist of Secondary Schools Support Coordinator, Verdon College Netball representative and an INC delegate.
Selection Procedure
- Each age groups’ trial dates and times will be advertised on the school notices, newsletter and website
- Interested students will register via Sportsground prior to the first trial for their age group
- Trials will take place for each age group at either Verdon College gym or Stadium Southland
- The Verdon teams will be announced on sports noticeboard and sports website.
Verdon Teams’ Selection Criteria
Core Competencies Personal qualities
- Sound quality of technical skill and consistency of performance ie: performs basic skills well
- Strong work ethic
- Sound tactical understanding to consistently make appropriate decisions
- Discipline
- Has a good level of fitness required for their age group level
- Ability to withstand pressure
- Can sustain intensity in performance throughout game
- Demonstrates team qualities
- Sound knowledge of the rules
- Versatility, consistency, adaptability
- Ability to serve as a role model to others (leadership potential)
2023 Verdon College Netball Teams Selection
- Years 7 – 10 will be straight level teams
- Year 7 and 8 teams can include boys
- Senior A, Y10A & Y9A teams will be selected on the proviso that those teams will participate at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Tournaments
- Players from a lower age group may be selected into an age group team older than their year group, if it is deemed by the selectors that there is no one in the older age group that is of a higher ability. The selectors will make the final decision.