Verdon College Sport Coordinator
Di Griffiths
Netball in our school is run by Verdon College and consists of parents, teachers and a Sports Co-ordinator who work well together. Netball has always been very strong at Verdon College and many Sting and Steel Players have started their netball careers at Verdon College
The Invercargill Netball Centre (INC) have their own website which has good information regarding Netball draws, these are also put up in the window of the Gym for our students. Senior players who play in the Open grades are expected to umpire and do duties as part of participating in our teams. Verdon College will provide every support that we can to assist in duties and avoid default games, which can carry a $200 fine.
Registration to play Netball for Verdon College, is done on our school sports page. All students must register online and attend trials to be considered for teams. Please click on this link to register Click here.
This process saves a considerable amount of time for our administrators and ensures that accurate information is sent to Regional Sporting Organisations who run sport in Southland. Our Sport Coordinator is able to provide Coaches and Managers correct name and contact details as well, thus making more time available for all sports at Verdon
We try to keep our fee's to a minimum and this cost ......Open grade $150.00, SSG $125.00 and Y7 & 8 $90.00. This covers registration to INC, NNZ, court costs and a little for uniform and ball replacement.
Please contact the school office if you need to make arrangements for payment. Verdon College Netball has a one off fundraiser each year in an effort to keep direct costs to students and parents down, however our tournament teams will need to do extra fundraising yearly.
Training dates and Times
Our facilities at school are made available to all sporting codes during the winter terms so teams are expected to share space and accommodate each other. Training times are also dependent on coach availability and we often use ILT Stadium Southland.
Coaches and Managers
We are always on the lookout for new Coaches and Managers and umpires, please contact the sports office if you are able to help. We are lucky to have a high number of students involved in coaching netball at Verdon and we provide them with every support that we can. Without student coaches Verdon would very few teams in many sports at school.
Students are issued with a Verdon College Netball Dress, these uniforms will only be issued to students who have completed online registration. Students are expected to wear appropriate footwear for training and to games. Parents will be invoiced for the replacement cost of uniforms if not returned to the sports office in a timely manner once competitions have ended. Students must be in suitable PE gear to train inside our gym.
Competition Rules and Procedures
Please refer to the Invercargill Netball Centre's rules and procedures which vary from season to season according to competition team numbers.Netball South Competitions are Senior A, B and Junior A teams enter into the Netball South mid-week Secondary Schools League competition played during Terms 2 and 3 on a Wednesday afternoon.Senior A During the winter tournament week our Senior A team travels to the South Island Secondary schools tournament, this year it is in Invercargill 28th - 31st August 2023. For further information on this tournament Click Here
Junior A (Year 9/10 Mixed)
During the first week of the July school holidays, the Y9 & 10 A teams travel to Christchurch for the Junior South Island Secondary Schools Tournament.
Year 8a 8b 7a and 7b Teams
These teams compete in the Southland Primary Schools Tournament on a week day in Term 3 at ILT Stadium Southland.
Verdon College Netball Trials 2020
Teams Date Time Where
Senior A/B Mon 24th Feb 4-5.30 Stadium
Tues 25th Feb 4-5.30 Stadium
Wed 26th Feb 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Coaches Day Sun 1st March 10.30-12.30 Verdon Gym
First practice Tues 10th March 4 5.30pm ILT Stadium
Year 9’s Mon 2nd March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Tues 3rd March 4-5.30 Stadium
Wed 4th March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Year 10’s Mon 9th March 4-5.30 Stadium
Wed 11th March 4-5.30 Stadium
Coaches Day Sun 15th March 10.30-12.30 Verdon Gym
Senior Muster Mon 16th March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Wed 18th March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Year 8’s Mon 23rd March 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Wed 275h March 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Coaches Day Sat 28th March 10.30-12.30 Verdon Gym
Year 7’s Mon 30th March 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Wed 1st April 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Fri 3rd April Lunch Verdon Turf
Verdon College Netball Trials 2020
Teams Date Time Where
Senior A/B Mon 24th Feb 4-5.30 ILT Stadium
Tues 25th Feb 4-5.30 ILT Stadium
Wed 26th Feb 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Coaches Day Sun 1st March 10.30-12.30 Verdon Gym/Turf
First practice Tues 10th March 4-5.30pm Stadium
Year 9’s Mon 2nd March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Tues 3rd March 4-5.30 ILT Stadium
Wed 4th March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Year 10’s Mon 9th March 4-5.30 ILT Stadium
Wed 11th March 4-5.30 ILT Stadium
Coaches Day Sun 15th March 10.30-12.30 Verdon Gym/Turf
Senior Muster Mon 16th March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Wed 18th March 4-5.30 Verdon Gym
Year 8’s Mon 23rd March 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Wed 275h March 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Coaches Day Sat 28th March 10.30-12.30 VerdonGym/Turf
Year 7’s Mon 30th March 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Wed 1st April 3.30-5pm Verdon Gym
Fri 3rd April Lunch Turf @ Verdon