ERO Report

Our most recent Education Review Office report was in May 2019. As with the previous 2011 and 2014 report, this delivered very positive feedback.

We will look forward to our next Education Review Office in 4 to 5 years time to share our school's learning journey.

The updated report is available online.

Please ask us if you’d like to see the whole report, or visit: Click Here

Extracts from the 2019 ERO report include:


How well does this school use achievement information to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement?

The school uses its achievement information well to make positive changes to students’ learning, engagement, progress and achievement.Teachers use high-quality assessment and planning practices to develop relevant programmes for individuals and groups of students. Examples of these practices are:

  • individual education plans based on students' strengths, interests and abilities, key competencies from The New Zealand Curriculum, and learning goals for literacy, mathematics and parent input
  • robust assessment practices to make reliable judgements about student achievement and progress
  • documented observations of students’ learning that are used to plan teaching strategies and individual programmes effectively
  • additional assistance for students requiring extra support to accelerate their learning.

There is high-quality teaching across the school. Students have a good understanding about what they are learning and why. They have many opportunities to discuss their learning and ideas with one another. Students enjoy learning and challenging themselves physically, socially and academically.The school has identified an area for review and development to strengthen processes in teaching as inquiry to raise student achievement. In addition this would include increased opportunities for students to self assess and monitor their own progress and achievement.

The principal analyses and evaluates school-wide student achievement information. He uses this information to identify groups of students who require additional support in their learning and relevant professional development for teachers. This information informs school goals and targets, and is aligned to school culture and student wellbeing.School achievement information in relation to National Standards shows that a significant number of students are below national expectations. However, the school can show that many students who have been at the school for either one or more years make accelerated progress in reading, writing and mathematics. This information is similar for Māori students.