Females Categories

Open: from the day she reaches 14 years and upwards (no category restrictions need apply).

Sub-Junior: from the day she reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 18 years.

Junior: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 23 years.

Master I: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 49 years.

Master II: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 59 years.

Master III: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 69 years.

Master IV: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 70 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 79 years.

Master V: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 80 years and upwards.

Female Weight Classes

Sub-Junior & Junior only-up to 43.0 kg

47.0 kg Class up to 47.0 kg

52.0 kg Class from 47.01 kg up to 52.0 kg

57.0 kg Class from 52.01 kg up to 57.0 kg

63.0 kg Class from 57.01 kg up to 63.0 kg

72.0 kg Class from 63.01 kg up to 72.0 kg

84.0 kg Class from 72.01 kg up to 84.0 kg

84.0+ kg Class from 84.01 kg up to unlimited

Males Categories

Open: from the day he reaches 14 years and upwards (no category restrictions need apply).

Sub-Junior: from the day he reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 18 years.

Junior: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 23 years.

Master I: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 49 years.

Master II: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 59 years.

Master III: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 69 years.

Master IV: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 70 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 79 years

Master V: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 80 years onwards

Males Weight Classes​​​​​​​

Sub-Junior & Junior only-up to 53.0 kg

59.0 kg Class up to 59.0 kg

66.0 kg Class from 59.01 kg up to 66.0 kg

74.0 kg Class from 66.01 kg up to 74.0 kg

83.0 kg Class from 74.01 kg up to 83.0 kg

93.0 kg Class from 83.01 kg up to 93.0 kg

105.0 kg Class from 93.01 kg up to 105.0 kg

120.0 kg Class from 105.01 kg up to 120.0 kg

120.0+ kg Class from 120.01 kg up to unlimited