Selection Policy

The selection process will be a thorough, objective process carried out by a group of qualified staff members. Applications will be discussed and further research into students' abilities/attitudes will be carried out where necessary. It is important to note that students do not have a rite of passage from one year to the next. If a student who is not selected in the Academy performs exceptionally in their chosen sport it is possible they will be selected in the next year - potentially replacing a student who is not displaying the appropriate values and characteristics.

Tier 1 - curriculum based

To apply for the Tier 1 Academy of Sport you will need to fill out an online application form during the course selection process. Those accepted into the academy will be informed during Term 3. 

Tier 2 - club based

The sports specific (technical and tactical) training groups will be selected by the relevant sports club and train as a group. It will be up to the clubs to decide how many they wish to have in these groups and they will have access to the WC strength and conditioning trainer.

Student Expectations

Selection into the Academy of Sport is a privilege. Students will be given every opportunity to excel. It is therefore expected that students take this opportunity seriously and put every effort into becoming the best that they can be. If a student is not doing this their place in the academy will be reviewed.